Floor Coating Marketing: Why Advertising on Houzz and Other Listing Sites Doesn’t Work?

Coating contractors require top-notch advertising tools to help run their business. There are several listing sites, such as Houzz, where concrete coating contractors can advertise their businesses, hire employees, and get tips for running their business.

However, some of these listing sites might not work. Instead, your business will require a marketing agency that has studied industry trends and knows how to generate leads for your business. We will highlight four reasons why advertising on Houzz and other listing sites is not ideal for floor coating marketing.

Use of a Common Tag Line

Most advertising platforms have a typical advertising method; the company name, a list of services offered, an offer, and an appealing picture. When advertising your business on most listing sites, the sites use a common tagline.

However, your advert needs to stand out among a pool of other contractors. Our marketing agents will sit down with you and develop a personalized tagline for your business that will highlight the exact services your firm offers. Since different firms have different policies, your advert will stand out from the rest, and your target clientele can easily filter out your business.

Use of High-Quality Advertising Tools

Most listing sites use low-quality and standard advertising tools. Like coating contractors use concrete encounter tools to assess the moister content in concrete, we understand the importance of using high-quality tools to review your business.

We work closely with you to identify the ideal solutions to meet your business needs and help you meet your goals. Our agenda is not to rush into marketing but to categorically assess the success of your business and how to maximize profit for you.

Time to Evaluate Your Business

Concrete coating contractors evaluate the floor surface to assess the coating options. New concrete floors have several options, but older floors have minimal options due to wear and tear, cracks, and stains, so some coatings are unsuitable for such surfaces.

Similarly, our company evaluates your business, advertising tools, and target audience. From this evaluation, we can develop new advertising techniques to suit your business or work on the former techniques you were using to achieve new results.

Listing sites such as Houzz do not have time to evaluate the advertising techniques used by your business. Such sites work with limited resources, so your business won’t reach its potential.

Various Types of Marketing Strategies

There are various types of concrete floor coatings, such as epoxy floor coating, polyurethane floor coating, and acrylic floor coating. Concrete coating contractors choose the most suitable floor coating depending on the type of floor surface.

Similar to how contractors have a variety of coatings to choose from, our company has different marketing strategies such as social media marketing, email marketing, inbound marketing, and content marketing. We choose the viable marketing strategy for your business, execute it, and give your business the boost it requires.

Listing sites do not delve into these strategies to help you choose the best for your business. Instead, the strategies used by these sites are similar and not personalized per business.

Your business requires the best team to handle your marketing and advertising needs. We offer different advertising services to help concrete coating contractors develop a strong foundation for their business.