Why is Content Marketing Beneficial for Your Floor Coating Business?

Email Marketing Strategy for Concrete Coating Business

Marketing strategies have been changing over the years. Companies are slowly migrating from traditional marketing strategies and embracing new marketing techniques i.e., digital marketing. In digital marketing, we say content is king, and that is why almost all companies have embraced content marketing. Content marketing has been proven to deliver resounding success. That is why you need to incorporate this strategy. With content marketing, you grow your audience engagement, develop your online presence, and drive sales. In this post, we review how producing consistently high-quality content can help your floor coating business.

Why is Content Marketing Important?

Content marketing is important majorly because it increases your brand awareness. It does this by answering your audience’s questions and helps you build trust, develop relationships, improve conversions and generate leads. Consistent, high-quality, and engaging content influences your audience’s decision-making more than any other marketing technique. Big brands have understood this technique and know how to portray their brand consistently and at every customer touch point. Thus, for a floor coating business, you need to create high-quality content that carries a unique, identifiable voice, style, and pitch across all your distribution channels. Consistent content will establish your credibility, build trust and strengthen your reputation. So, what are the benefits of content marketing important in the first place?

Retain Your Audience

Creating great content is an important asset for your floor coating business. This is because great content can create positive impressions on your potential clients and make them come back for more. It is your job to capture your audience’s attention – those looking for floor coating services and continually enforce a positive brand impression.

Create Engaging Social Media Content

It is one thing to have many social media followers and totally another to have an engaging audience. If that is what is happening currently on your platforms, then it’s time you embraced content marketing. Creating quality content on social media can help you improve your engagement. You can get reviews positive reviews from clients you have previously worked for and even engage with potential clients. This helps build brand credibility.

Develop Trust

Creating content will help your brand build a relationship with your audience. You can create content that answers their questions on floor coating and interact with them to know what their needs are. When you create value for your audience without taking anything in return, your audience will trust your advice and recommendations. Eventually, when your content shows up at the right place with the right audience, it will improve your brand’s reputation. The more quality content your customers see, the more they are likely to have a positive impression of your floor coating company.

Generate More and Better Leads

Content marketing can also help you generate leads for your floor coating business. When your audience engages with your content, they are more likely to purchase your services in the future. Moreover, you can place call-to-action (CTA’s) in your content to generate new leads for your sales team. How can content generate leads for a floor-coating business? You create content that provides your users with useful, free information and includes CTA’s anywhere in the content. Your users are more likely to click the CTA’s and move to your landing page. Once on your landing page, converting them is easier.

Improve Your Conversion Rates

You can post content that influences your conversion rates. Content can help your audience connect with you and give them the information they require to make educated purchases. Your post can make your potential client’s decision-making easier. If you use blog content to bring in traffic, use original graphics rather the stock photos. This is because marketers report the former as least effective in lead conversion. Always include CTA’s in your content to guide your reader on what’s next.

Demonstrate Authority

Creating high-quality content helps you build your authority online. If you establish yourself as a credible source to get information, you are more likely to rank higher in search engines. Your clients will be more inclined to trust you if they see you as an industry expert. You need to create content that demonstrates you are an expert in floor coating and provide answers to your audience’s questions. Content marketing is important, but how can we be successful at it? Content scoring is a way to assess the quality of your content. You can use content scoring to measure and improve your content marketing performance and offer great value to your audience.

Rank highly in SEO

The more consistent, high-quality, engaging content you produce, the better it will be for your SEO. For example, your content can help your floor coating business become visible online and build trust and authority with your audience. Additionally, with a developed content strategy, your content should help you rank higher in search engines.

Build Loyal Brand Fans

All people who like your content and feel positively about your brand are more likely to become your brand ambassadors before purchasing your product. Brand fans can be loyal and influence their friends and families buying decisions. This is because they see the value your business provides to its current audience. Content marketing is the most successful way to achieve this. I am sure you have one brand that you are extremely loyal to, even though you have not gotten the chance to use their products yet. Do you the same can apply to your floor coating business?

Save Money

Content marketing is the most effective marketing strategy. The upfront costs for content marketing appear steep, and that’s a fair point. The estimates for blog content range from $150 a post to $3,000 for a freelance writer. However, you can use the route of hiring time-staff writers to create content for you regularly. In the long run, when compared to paid ads and traditional marketing, content marketing wins every time.

Brand Awareness

Although almost anything can improve brand awareness, content marketing does it in a very unique way. Content marketing does more than just rank your article on page one. It also makes your content and brand appear everywhere your potential customers are looking for your product. To use this technique, write about topics that interest your customer so that they can start associating your great content with your brand.

How Can You Use Content Marketing to Increase Brand Awareness?

Understand Your Target Audience

The first step in creating a content marketing strategy for your floor coating business is to understand your target audience. You need to know which people are more likely to need floor coating services. Where can you find them? Which social media platforms do they use? Once you have a clear understanding of who they are, then you can create content that relates to them. You can create content that appeals to their interests and values to show them you are dedicated to providing them with great services. This way, you will meet their needs and wants, and they will keep coming back to your website.

Draft Your Content Marketing Strategy

Once you have an understanding of your floor coating audience, you can now create a strategy for reaching them. You can start by telling customers your brand’s story. Build an ‘About’ or ‘Our story’ page where you can tell your audience who you are and what your company’s values are. Your story allows you to connect with your customers beyond your floor coating business. This helps you build a reputation and encourage repeat customers. You can build content sites for pages like blogs and inbound marketing, guides, how-to-content, and informational pages that help your readers move along in their shopping journey – this makes your brand seem more authoritative. You can also include video content with before and after videos to show your credibility. A good content marketing strategy ensures you reach as many people as possible.

Be Authentic

How you present yourself in your content is another important aspect of your content marketing strategy. Are you being original to your brand, or are you just following the masses? Remember, your brand and online presence should reflect authenticity. Your content is your voice, and how you present it should improve your brand awareness. Your posts should be consistent in style and personality. Show your original photos and videos. This way, you can stand out from all other floor coating contractors.

Use Your Company Blog

Blog posts are vital for your content marketing and brand awareness strategy. You should produce new and unique content on a regular schedule. Posting a new blog every two weeks or every month can help build your brand. People are always hungry for information thus, posting industry trends is a great start. Write posts that stand out, and be sure you give accurate and up-to-date information. Inform your clients of all the new developments in the floor coating industry.

What is Content Scoring?

Content Scoring is assessing and quantifying the true impact of content marketing by tracking how individual content pieces perform in generating and converting leads. Content scoring will help your floor coating business prioritize only the areas that have a higher probability of generating and converting leads. Content scoring is a reliable and predictive method of evaluating the engagement potential of an individual piece of content before it’s published. The quality of your content will depend on your audience’s profile. When you better understand your customer’s needs, you can offer high-quality relatable content. However, improving your content is a gradual process, and you need to continually measure and analyze your audience’s response to understand and improve the areas that matter the most.

How Do You Score Your Content?

  • Establish your scoring criteria: Here, you need to establish a foundation built on the engagement metric that has the greatest impact on your content. For floor coating businesses, it is page views or shares on social media.
  • Create a marketing campaign: Once you identify the metric that matters most to you, you create a campaign and add high-quality content that meets the threshold. For example, if you decide that 1000 views are high-performing, you create content that meets the said criteria.
  • Monitor content performance: Measure how each new piece of content you create is performing. As certain content assets meet your success metrics – 1000 page views, for example. Add them to the campaign. Continue adding content to build a small sample size of high-performing content.
  • Assess what works: Now that you have your high-performing content, you can further analyze it to see what makes your content perform. This can be difficult to quantify, but you can discover some patterns and then replicate them.
  • Rinse and repeat: Even though these patterns are always changing, this manual process can help you score your content and take action on your insights in the future.

Content scoring is a tedious process, and this only scrapes the surface of a true content-scoring system. Content scoring helps your brand set a benchmark for itself. It helps you move closer to understanding your customer’s buying stages and expectations. When you establish the content type that works best for a specific customer segment, it is easy to replicate your success over and over again. However, you can also outsource your content to a floor coating marketing company like ours. This way, you can be assured of success in content marketing while you work on honing your craft.

In conclusion, these are some of the ways in which content marketing is beneficial to your floor coating business. If you embrace content marketing as a floor coating contractor, you are sure to stand out from the crowd. When people look for floor coating companies, your name will appear first in the search engine. If you are not able to hack content marketing, you can reach out to us here at Floor Coating Marketing. We help floor coating contractors generate high-quality leads for their businesses. Talk to us, and we are more than happy to deliver!